Twitter, by the numbers -I found this interesting…

Twitter, by the numbers – Yahoo News.


(I don’t do Twitter….)



2006: The year Twitter was founded

4: Number of now kazzillionaire founders (Jack Dorsey, Ev Williams, Biz Stone, Noah Glass)

140: The maximum number of characters in a tweet

40404: The phone number you can text to send a tweet

10958: The phone number Twitter’s founders originally used, before ditching it for something more memorable

208: Average number of Twitter followers per user, according to an October 2012 study

102: Average number of accounts that a Twitter user follows, according to the same study

20,000: Number of tweets sent per day in March 2007

400,000,000: Number of tweets sent per day, in March 2013

300,000: Tweets per minute during Miley Cyrus’ questionable performance at the VMAs

143,199: Tweets per second, during a screening of “Castle in the Sky” in Japan this summer, which set the record for tweet volume

3,051: Tweets per second at the conclusion of the 2010 World Cup, which was the record at that time

500,000,000: Number of Twitter users, per one March estimate

20,000,000: Number of fake Twitter accounts, per the New York Times, in April 2013

54,365: Number of verified accounts, which Twitter uses to “establish authenticity of identities of key individuals and brands on Twitter,” as of Sept. 12.

40: Percentage of Twitter users who read the service but don’t tweet, per Twitter in 2011

25: Percentage of Twitter users who have never tweeted, per a 2012 study

74: Percentage of Twitter users between the ages of 15 and 25, per the same study

999,999,999: Maximum number of dollars, in revenue, that Twitter had in 2012. (Twitter was allowed to file for a “Secret IPO,” which means its maximum revenue for the previous year was $1 billion.)

170 billion: Number of tweets archived by the Library of Congress, as of January 2013

44,447,830Followers for Justin Bieber, the most followed person on Twitter

42,644,973: Followers for Katy Perry, the second-most followed person on Twitter

40,099,896: Followers for Lady Gaga, the third-most followed person on Twitter

36,523,902: Followers for Barack Obama, the fourth-most followed person on Twitter

793,951Retweets for this tweet — Barack Obama’s victory tweet — which is the most retweeted tweet of all time.

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